Affordable & sustainable
professional video studios
for companies of all sizes
360Group : 3 ways to turn complexity into simplicity

affordable videos and studios
"Our mission statement: turn expensive video productions of all kinds into a commodity everyone can afford"
The 360Box community
In Short: all inclusive!
1. We build and rent your 360Box: a fully equipped video studio
2. We train and motivate your teams
3. We take care of all the technical updates/upgrades/recycling

No editing
Everyone can use it
Video becomes a commodity
Watch our virtual demo
Get in touch
Studios examples
The 360Box fits in companies of all sizes and allows you to remove the most expensive part: an external service provider!

- The 360Box is hidden under a table
- Surface: 3m x 2m
- The studio is also used as a meeting room

- A versatile studio for live recording, Live streaming, Chromakey, etc...
- Surface: 6m x 6m
- The studio is also used for brainstorms and enhanced zoom calls

- A studio for Pros.
- Surface: 15m x 15m
- 3 motorized cameras for incredible interviews, panels, etc
Videos examples
Unlimited possibilities: Professional corporate interviews - Live broadcast - Mobile corporate studios - Event coverage - WebTV - live Chromakey - Virtual Studio - Econferences - 360degreeStudio - e-Learning
" The 360Box is perfectly in line with the evolution of our bank's culture: more ownership, more efficiency and more collaboration"
Owner of the 360Box N°26

Videos in our concept store

If you are not renting a 360Box, you can visit our concept stores in Luxembourg and Paris to record
your corporate videos.
1 concept, 3 models
The Original

360Box Turtle

The original model, powerful and strong. You can ship it anywhere in the world by DHL!
This model was requested by companies and coworking centres who move the studio often inside their building.
360Box Mini

All the power of the 360Box, in a more compact and stylish version. It was designed to sit in your Board room.
Financing: turn your 360Box into a profit centre
The 360Box starts at 20€/day only.
You have two ways to finance your 360Box:
#1: Sponsoring: display your sponsor's logo on the opening and closing sequence of all videos.
#2: Renting: Rent your 360Box to individuals, other companies or even colleagues by the hour, the 1/2 day or the full day. We provide the necessary marketing material.

Sponsoring: example of sponsored opening sequence
Renting: example of flyer
Download it here
Get in touch
Tel: (+352) 35 68 77
Meet us in our concept store -
106 Rue de Bonnevoie, 1261 Luxembourg
Download the brochure