Jérome Bloch
- Dec 21, 2021
- 2 min
1. We build and rent your 360Box: a fully equipped video studio
2. We train and motivate your teams
3. We take care of all the technical updates/upgrades/recycling
- The 360Box is hidden under a table
- Surface: 3m x 2m
- The studio is also used as a meeting room
- A versatile studio for live recording, Live streaming, Chromakey, etc...
- Surface: 6m x 6m
- The studio is also used for brainstorms and enhanced zoom calls
- A studio for Pros.
- Surface: 15m x 15m
- 3 motorized cameras for incredible interviews, panels, etc
" The 360Box is perfectly in line with the evolution of our bank's culture: more ownership, more efficiency and more collaboration"
Owner of the 360Box N°26
Tel: (+352) 35 68 77
Meet us in our concept store -
106 Rue de Bonnevoie, 1261 Luxembourg